Friday 1 July 2011

Your Senses

You might be surprised at the amazing things your various senses can accomplish.
  1. Your smell is unique: Your body odor is unique to you — unless you have an identical twin. Even babies recognize the individual scents of their mothers.
  2. Humans use echolocation: Humans can use sound to sense objects in their area using echolocation. It is thought that those who are blind develop this ability to heightened effectiveness.
  3. Adrenaline gives you super strength: Yes, with the proper response in certain situations, you really can lift a car.
  4. Women smell better than men: Women are better than men at identifying smells.
  5. Your nose remembers 50,000 scents: It is possible for your nose to identify and remember more than 50,000 smells.
  6. Your hearing decreases when you overeat: When you eat too much food, it actually reduces your ability to hear. So consider eating healthy — and only until you are full.
  7. Your sense of time is in your head: How you experience time is all about your perception. Some speculate that stress can help you experience time dilation. Apparently, time manipulation isn’t just for superheroes.

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