Friday 6 May 2011

Most Individuals Shown To Say 'I Love You' To Pets

A survey recently conducted by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) has shown that 63 percent of pet owners in the United States and Canada say "I love you" to their companion animals at least once per day.
The poll, which was taken by 1,225 individuals at AAHA-accredited veterinary facilities, also showed that 83 percent refer to themselves as the mother or father of their pets, and 59 percent celebrate their companion animals’ birthdays.
Ninety percent would not consider dating someone who wasn’t fond of their pets.
In addition, 61 percent greet the companion animals first when visiting others who have pets, and 52 percent are better at remembering neighbors’ pets’ names than neighbors’ names.
"There has never been a greater time for our companion animals," said Kathleen Neuhoff, president-elect of the AAHA. "Thanks to advances in veterinary care, as well as a stronger bond between pets and their owners, pets are living longer and healthier than ever before."
The survey was the 11th annual poll of pet owners conducted by the AAHA. 

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